- It can only go downhill from here!
- Yeah... Hey, wait a second! Isn't that what you said last night too?
- That's correct, yes.
- So what, you've stayed on the same level since then or something.
- No.
- I don't follow...
- It doesn't matter in which emotional state you are, it can never do anything but go downhill from there.
- That's very pessimistic of you to say, and it doesn't even make sense.
- But don't you see? It is the truth and because it is the truth it makes sense.
- What?! That doesn't even make sense either!
- Okay, then just look at the hard facts. You do something, you get screwed. You do the opposite of that, you get screwed. You do anything else but those two things, you get screwed. Okay, so now you're down in the shit. You have to crawl your way out of there. You crawl a few feet. Where are you now? Further down - that's right!
- That's still a very pessimistic way of thinking, John. I do not find it to be true.
- That's because you're naive. Good night sleep tight. Optimists have a very askew picture of the world. It's always twisted to make everything brighter than it is.
- What about pessimists then?! Talk about double standards!
- I sigh at you, my friend. So called "pessimists" should really be defined in the same way the good ol' dictionary defines a realist. We see things as they are, we don't twist them to fit the way we view the world. End of story.
- Optimists don't either. They ju...
- Of course they don't. They're just people who are, like I mentioned before, too naive to realize the truth. Oh, but my heart does go out to those poor people.
- Yes, well. I'm sure they feel the same way about you too... Why, look at that it's snowing outside!
- Why, you are most absolutely correct, Bill! I must say that I love snow. Love it indeed.
- I know.
- Isn't the world just so much brighter?