tisdag 12 januari 2010


Today, I think we percieve women as fish. Fishes are funny. Then the green hat came and stole my camera. Damn that green hat! Throw a goat at it, I will. I don’t like bowling balls. They’re sweaty. I like hockey pucks ’cause they are round and flat. Are you mad at me? Your book is my favourite of all dogs. Nice to meet you. What’s for lunch? Do you live inside a computer? There is a pencil on my table, watching me!

This is what happens when you've been working on your TOK-presentation for a long time and you're starting to get bored. O_O

1 kommentar:

  1. Arget---------lam13 januari 2010 kl. 20:16

    Hahahahahaha så jäkla klockrent!!! Föresten var det du som skrev på min blogg under anonym? Någon har gjort det och jag blir snart tokig!!!! <0.0> JAG VILL VETA VEM DET VAR!!!
