måndag 21 november 2011

What I do

English; my comfort zone. I don't exactly know why that is, but I have a few theories which will partly explain this, oh, so, exciting phenomenon. (Notice the sarcasm?) One of the theories is that it is something I have alwyas been good at, and since I have always been good at it, I have always felt confident when I speak English. To me, English is not just another language, but another identity as well. It is true, when I speak English it's like I become someone else. And come to think of it, I think I am even more of a bitch when I speak English... Ha ha, I don't know. If so, it is because it is often easier to say something serious or mean in another language than your mother tongue.

I seem to have thought the same thing about English being a comfort zone for me a year and a half ago as well. Here is an excerpt from my blog (10-06-14): "I caught myself several times today thinking in English. I think that it is some kind of defense mechanism. Whenever I feel like I don't belong or other situations when I feel like I want to be left alone or whatever, then I start thinking in English. I think it's a bit soothing. It's like... It's kind of my thing in a way". It soothes me because it is something that never changes for the worse. Not for me anyway. And it is something that has always been with me, allthrough my childhood and to my adult life. Mostly, I also daydream in English. And since I daydream a lot, English is a huge part of my life just because of that reason.

English entirely determined my education. Had it not been for my love for the language and my desire to learn more about it, I would never had attended the IB. That would have been one of the greatest tragedies of my life and I would never have known it. And had it not been for my interest in English and the language skills I have actually acquired along the way, I would probably not have decided to become a translator. I love learning all languages, but without English (in which I am fluent) I would not have applied for this education. Well, at least I think so. One can never really know, right?

What can be concluded from this is... that IB still controls my life? Nah, just kidding. English is my comfort zone because it is not just my second language, it is a part of my childhood, my daydreams and my life. English is my education and my work. English is simply what I do, there is no more to it.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Åh jag vet. Hatar också viggo reklamen. Dels av den anledningen du sa, att tjejen ska va den som vill vara snygg, inte skärpt eller vad var det.. sportig?
    Dels för att hela den reklamen är så jävla stereotyp. Tjejen som vill vara snygg är smal och ljushårig. Killen som vill vara smart ser ut som en nörd med lockigt hår och typ rutig skjorta eller nåt och han som är sportig är rätt deffad och blond.. Blir. Så. Trött.

    Föresten, om jag bodde i sthlm just nu skulle jag nog vilja kika in detta. Kanske är av intresse för dig också?

  2. Det har gjorts olika studier om hur folk beter sig olika beroende vilket språk man pratar, t.ex. japanska damer är väldigt karriärsinriktade på engelska men på japanska är de väldigt familjeinriktade (in general alltså). Mycket säger att när man byter språk så byter man också ut en liten del av sin personlighet eftersom att språk och kultur är så tätt ihopslingrade. Själv har jag märkt att jag helst går över i engelska när jag ska beskriva känslor samt att jag beter mig mer självsäkert och drivande i engelskt sällskap. Vilka personlighetsdrag som kommer att framhävas på franska och tyska? Ingen aning, men å andra sidan har jag varken haft så mkt kontakt med endera språken/kulturerna.

    *Done spamming your blog*
